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Wir glauben an die Energie, die Sport in unserem Leben entstehen lässt. Daher recherchieren, entwickeln, produzieren und verkaufen wir studienbasierte Sportnahrung & Supplements Made in Germany, die wir lieben und selbst jeden Tag nutzen. Unsere interne Produktentwicklung (u.a. Lebensmittel-Technologin) arbeitet Hand in Hand mit den größten Lohnherstellern in Deutschland. Das Sortiment umfasst u.a.: - Proteinpulver - Preworkout Booster - Mahlzeitenersatzshake - Proteinriegel - Wirksame Superfoods (z.B. Maca, Gerstengras, Astaxanthin, Curcumin bzw. Curcuma Extrakt, OPC aus Traubenkernextrakt, Sango Meereskoralle, Bromelain, Ingwer, Granatapfel Extrakt, Rhodiola Rosea, Sulforaphan, Vitalpilze Reishi, Lions Mane) - Vitamine & Mineralien in sinnvollen Dosierungen und Darreichungsformen (z.B. Liposomales Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3 K2, Omega 3, Magnesium, Zink, Eisen, Jod) Viel Erfolg bei deinen sportlichen & gesundheitlichen Zielen dein brandl® Team More
sustainable coziness since 1856 ™ 6th generation family run, thies 1856 ® and its beloved iconic squirrel ™ represent the original eco, fair, innovative footwear brand. Ecological Spirit & Nature As a family company and brand, thies ® has been producing since 1856 in the 6th generation high-quality footwear and stands for sustainable thinking, acting, designing and to produce. We use nature and an environmentally friendly lift style as inspiration for the collections. for different collection themes we use new, innovative materials. thies 1856 ® pays particular attention to different material concepts and fair, local production. We use fabrics from post-consumer PET bottles, non-food upcycled corn, Various models are made of GOTS® – certified organic cotton, as well as recycled cotton or recycled polyester. For our innovative milk felt material, fibers were obtained from excess milk and mixed with wool combined. This resulted in the felt for our simple slippers.... More