All vendors on for vegans

Wir glauben an die Energie, die Sport in unserem Leben entstehen lässt. Daher recherchieren, entwickeln, produzieren und verkaufen wir studienbasierte Sportnahrung & Supplements Made in Germany, die wir lieben und selbst jeden Tag nutzen. Unsere interne Produktentwicklung (u.a. Lebensmittel-Technologin) arbeitet Hand in Hand mit den größten Lohnherstellern in Deutschland. Das Sortiment umfasst u.a.: - Proteinpulver - Preworkout Booster - Mahlzeitenersatzshake - Proteinriegel - Wirksame Superfoods (z.B. Maca, Gerstengras, Astaxanthin, Curcumin bzw. Curcuma Extrakt, OPC aus Traubenkernextrakt, Sango Meereskoralle, Bromelain, Ingwer, Granatapfel Extrakt, Rhodiola Rosea, Sulforaphan, Vitalpilze Reishi, Lions Mane) - Vitamine & Mineralien in sinnvollen Dosierungen und Darreichungsformen (z.B. Liposomales Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3 K2, Omega 3, Magnesium, Zink, Eisen, Jod) Viel Erfolg bei deinen sportlichen & gesundheitlichen Zielen dein brandl® Team More
Belaine Manufaktur
BELAINE - A vegan label that produces unique and limited-edition bags from high-quality materials. With an eye on sustainable production and individuality, all bags are designed and manufactured in our own studio. It goes without saying that we pay great attention to impeccable material quality by carefully checking all fabrics and materials before processing. The entire range is absolutely free of animal components. A long-lasting bag needs time in the production process. At Belaine there are no materials that are glued or fused in a fast process. All individual parts are painstakingly joined with real seams. We focus on handwork and flawless products. In order to guarantee a special individuality, all bags and accessories are produced in small editions. You will not find mass-produced goods here. But if you live and love an individual style, appreciate something different and prefer the unusual to the mainstream, you've come to the right place. Handmade - Vegan - Limited More
AVBM SAS - Life Loving Foods
The vegnpro mixes from life loving foods® are vegan substitutes for meat (crumble and cutlet), fish (fillets and crusty), eggs (brownie and dough) and dairy products (creamy sauce and soup). All life loving foods® vegnpro mixes are based on our blend of optimized proteins (soya, wheat, peas and coconut) and optimized fibers (soluble and insoluble) including our blend of superfoods (psyllium, flax, quinoa, ginger , lemongrass…) and are keto friendly (low in net carbohydrates).
Anifree is a compound word comprised of "Animal" & "free". We are an online shoe store offering you fair and sustainable vegan shoes.
AIDA Werbung und Marketing GesmbH
The climate crisis is here. We have to go new ways. If you want to go new ways, you need the right shoes. "Lagom" is Swedish and means something like "just enough" or "just right" or "just right". Everyone in Sweden knows that vegan köttbullar have to be "lagom stora, lagom runda och lagom bruna", i.e. " this big, this round and this brown". Lagom doesn't mean doing without, it doesn't mean going back to the Stone Age, lagom means living appropriately, appropriately for you, for nature, for the environment, for the planet, for the people who produce your products, appropriately for everyone and everything. Lagom.