TNT Creatine Creapure® (300 Capsules)

- Creatine improves physical performance and can give extra strength!
- Creatine improves physical performance during successive short-duration, high-intensity exercises.
- The best effect is achieved with a daily intake of 3g creatine.
- Ideal for all types of sport and training and as a complement to a vegan lifestyle.
- Made and shipped in Germany
- High-quality raw material - contains 1g Creapure®  per capsule
- High-quality TNT quality
- 100% vegan

Creatine plays a central role as an energy transporter and buffer in every cell. An adult body contains around 80 to 130 g of creatine. Around 1-2% of this is broken down and eliminated every day, so ideally it needs to be replenished. Some can be synthesized in various organs, while some must be absorbed via the diet.

Creatine is only present in significant quantities in meat and fish, but not in vegetables or dairy products.

For whom is creatine supplementation useful?
- For strength athletes
- For elite athletes
- For endurance athletes
- For people with physical work.
- For people who eat little or no meat or fish

Why take creatine?
- Creatine is proven to improve physical performance and can give extra strength!
- Creatine is proven to improve physical performance during successive short-duration, high-intensity exercises.
- Creatine also has positive properties on your brain, bones, nerves, heart, muscles, etc.
In most cases, our creatine reserves (especially in athletes) are not filled, especially if you adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet. That's why it makes sense to take a creatine supplement and replenish reserves.
TNT Creatine Monohydrate Creapure® capsules are a high-quality, fully processed creatine monohydrate. The raw material is patented and produced by AlzChem. The Creapure® process offers the highest purity and quality on the market. This means it is free from impurities and substances harmful to the body.

TNT Creatine Monohydrate Creapure® capsules are easy to dose and use. One capsule contains 1g of creatine, making it easy to replenish your creatine reserves (even on the move).

Creatine enables the body to absorb more energy, providing rapid results. It can help increase muscle mass through more intensive training, improve muscular endurance and boost performance. It can also help increase strength in weightlifting and other demanding sports. We also often recommend it for many challenging professions.

Creatine promotes energy intake
Creatine monohydrate is a popular supplement for strength and endurance athletes. It is produced from an amino acid derivative, glycine, and can help the body produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the primary energy source for muscle contractions. Taking creatine monohydrate can increase the body's production of ATP and thus improve performance. In addition, creatine monohydrate can help promote muscle building and reduce recovery time after intensive workouts.

Creatine plays an important role in many bodily functions, including muscle growth, strength and endurance. It also helps supply energy to the brain. Studies have shown that creatine can improve sporting performance, particularly during sprints and jumps. It is also thought to have a positive effect on cognitive function and depression.

Brand raw material: Creapure®
CREAPURE® is a brand name for creatine monohydrate, which has proved to be one of the most effective forms of creatine. It is produced by a process called micronization, which increases its surface area and facilitates absorption. CREAPURE is one of the most widespread and reliable brands of creatine monohydrate on the market today.

Creatine monohydrate is one of the purest and most studied forms of creatine. It is produced under the brand name Creapure and is virtually free of impurities. This makes Creapure ideal for athletes who value a pure, high-quality supplement. For added safety, we regularly have TNT creatine monohydrate analyzed by an external laboratory.

Why capsules?
Powdered creatine like TNT Creapure® creatine monohydrate; in powder or capsule form shows no difference in efficacy. However, taking it is easier for many people. Creapure® ; raw material is certainly the best available on the market in terms of solubility, but it can sometimes be a little difficult to take. Capsules are easier to transport in small quantities, and dosing is simple and individual thanks to 1g of creatine per capsule.

Additional encapsulation costs a little more, of course, but the added value of easier intake is worth it for many of our customers.

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0.402 kg - 86.94 per 1 kg
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TNT Creatine Creapure® (300 Kapseln)


TNT Creatine Creapure® (300 Kapseln)


Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Kapselform mit Creatine

402 g

  • Zutaten:
  • Kreatinmonohydrat 97%
  • Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (Kapselhülle)
  • Trennmittel Magnesiumsalze der Speisefettsäuren
Nährwerte pro 100g pro 4.02 g 3 Kapseln
Creatin Monohydrate85 g3.42 g
- davon Creatin74.6 g3 g
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