NUTRI+ Meno Support (90 capsules)

  • specially developed combination of vitamins, calcium and plant extracts
  • natural plant extracts: red clover, black cohosh, St. John's wort and wild yam
  • Calcium is needed to maintain normal bones
  • Biotin, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 contribute to normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormone activity
  • vegan (no lactose, milk protein or other animal ingredients) - pure vegetable capsule shell made of cellulose

The hormonal changes during the menopause (climacteric) are a problem for many women. About 70 to 80 % of all women suffer from typical menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, sweating, sleep disorders or palpitations. To alleviate these symptoms, many women turn to herbal products.

For well-being in the menopause

A sufficient supply of vitamins can also help to rebalance the normal hormonal balance and female well-being. Vitamin B6, for example, helps regulate hormonal activity and reduce tiredness and fatigue. According to the National Nutrition Survey II, women over the age of 50 often do not reach the recommended daily intake of vitamin E, folic acid and calcium and run the risk of being undersupplied.

The nutri+ Meno Support capsules contain a specially developed nutrient combination with extracts of black cohosh, red clover, St. John's wort and wild yam as well as highly concentrated vitamins and calcium.

Black cohosh extract: Black cohosh extract is particularly popular. The buttercup plant has been used for over 100 years to treat hot flushes and sweating.

Red clover: Taking isoflavones (e.g. from red clover) is considered a gentle alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Isoflavones belong to the so-called secondary plant substances and have a similar effect to oestrogen.

St. John's wort: St. John's wort was already used medicinally in ancient times and is particularly popular for depressive moods, sleep disorders or inner restlessness.

Wild yam: The yam root contains the hormone-like active ingredient diosgenin, which is similar to the hormone progesterone.

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85 g - 17.53 per 100 g
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NUTRI+ Meno Support (90 Kapseln)


NUTRI+ Meno Support (90 Kapseln)


Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Pflanzenextrakten, Calcium und Vitaminen.

85.3 g

  • Zutaten:
  • Rotklee-Extrakt
  • Calciumcarbonat
  • Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (Kapselhülle)
  • Reismehl
  • Johanniskraut-Extrakt
  • Wilde Yamswurzel-Extrakt
  • D-alpha-Tocopherylacetat
  • Traubensilberkerzenwurzel-Extrakt
  • Pyridoxinhydrochlorid
  • Methylcobalamin
  • Folsäure
  • Biotin
Nährwerte pro 100g pro 190 mg (2 Kapseln)
Rotklee-Extrakt328947 mg625 mg
- davon Isoflavonoide26316 mg50 mg
Johanniskraut-Extrakt87895 mg167 mg
- davon Hypericin132 mg0.25 mg
Traubensilberkerzenwurzel-Extrakt21053 mg40 mg
Wilde Yamswurzel-Extrakt87895 mg167 mg
- davon Diosgenin52632 mg100 mg
Vitamine pro 100g pro 190 mg (2 Kapseln) % NRV *
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin)737 mg 1.4 mg 100
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)52632 mg 100 mg 200
Vitamin B9 (Folsäure)105263 μg 200 μg 100
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)6579 μg 12.5 μg 500
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)12632 mg 24 mg 200
* Prozentsatz der Nährstoffbezugswert (Nutrient Reference Values) nach Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1169/2011
Mineralien pro 100g pro 190 mg (2 Kapseln) % NRV*
Kalzium84211 mg 160 mg 20
* Prozentsatz der Nährstoffbezugswert (Nutrient Reference Values) nach Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1169/2011 Warnhinweis: Bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Arzneimitteln konsultieren Sie einen Arzt oder Apotheker. Auf eine Einnahme weiterer calciumhaltiger Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollte verzichtet werden. Bitte beachte mögliche Wechselwirkungen mit andere Medikamenten (z. B. Antibaby-Pille, Hormonersatztherapie, Lipidsenker, Blutverdünner). - Für Männer nicht geeignet!
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