NUTRI+ Melatonin drops (50ml)

  • Shortens the time it takes to fall asleep
  • per daily dose (6 drops) = 1mg melatonin
  • contains 283 daily servings
  • without alcohol or sugar/sweeteners
  • vegan
  • with practical dosing pipette

The nutri+ melatonin drops are free from gluten, lactose, colourings, flavourings, sweeteners or alcohol. The product was developed and produced in Germany under the strictest quality standards by our nutritionists. The melatonin drops are vegan and well tolerated.

Melatonin - the gentle sleep aid

Sleep disorders are a widespread phenomenon. Many Germans lie awake at night, unable to fall asleep or waking up regularly during the night. This can be quite frustrating in the long run, because without sufficient rest and relaxation in everyday life, you constantly feel tired and listless. But it's not just your mood that suffers from lack of sleep, your health does too. The immune system is weakened and diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or migraines are promoted.

Important regeneration processes take place in our body and psyche during sleep. A restful night's sleep should last about 7-8 hours and ensures that we are relaxed and concentrated during the day.

If everyday life does not allow you to rest in the evening, nutri+ melatonin drops can help you to fall asleep faster. Melatonin is also called the body's own sleep hormone and controls the day-night rhythm as a messenger substance. In daylight, the production of melatonin is inhibited - in the dark, the hormone acts as a sleep signal and promotes falling asleep. Melatonin is broken down again by the body during the night, so that you wake up the next morning rested and fit. Melatonin helps to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. The positive effect is achieved by taking 1 mg of melatonin shortly before going to bed.

Restful sleep with melatonin

The nutri+ melatonin drops are easy to use and to dose. Simply take 6 drops pure or diluted with liquid shortly (about 15-30 minutes) before going to bed. Ideally, you go to bed at similar times so that the melatonin can work optimally with your inner clock. It can also take some time for your day-night rhythm to settle down again. The drops should therefore be taken over a period of at least two to three weeks if you have sleep problems. Also note that strong light and blue light (e.g. from a smartphone, laptop or TV) can reduce the effect of melatonin.

The criteria are displayed on the product image (hover over them to find out more)
50 ml - 19.98 per 100 ml
incl. tax
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14 days
NUTRI+ Melatonin Tropfen (50ml)


NUTRI+ Melatonin Tropfen (50ml)


Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Melatonin

50 ml

  • Zutaten:
  • Purifiziertes Wasser
  • pflanzliches Glycerin
  • Melatonin
Nährwerte pro 100ml pro 1 mg (6 Tropfen)
Melatonin100000 mg1 mg
Dieses Produkt darf nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung verwendet werden. Achten Sie auf eine gesunde Lebensweise. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrsmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Kühl, trocken und vor Sonnenlicht geschützt sowie außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Schwangere und Stillende sollten generell vor der Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln einen Arzt konsultieren.
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