
Womsh - sustainable vegan shoes from Italy

Vegan doesn't have to be boring, as the cool and playful sneakers by Womsh impressively show! All shoes have been handmade in Italy since 2014 and are made from ecological materials. Womsh aims to achieve the best possible quality, as longevity is an important factor of sustainability. They are convinced that a positive and responsible change can be brought about in the fashion world of high-quality items, as they are even cheaper in the long run. This statement from Womsh shows very well the soul of the company: "Sustainability is not a limitation, but rather an incentive to rewrite paradigms with actions where everyone can become a protagonist." The sustainable brand has a strong commitment to the environment, with over 90% of the energy it uses coming from renewable sources and projects protecting more than 100,000sqm of forests. The name is short for Word of Mouth Shoe. So it's about shoes that have something to say and want to convey a message. Womsh uses high-quality vegan leather and great sustainable materials. If you're in the mood for vegan shoes, then try the great models from Womsh!

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